The Interested Soldier

This is a airing of grievances, not an objective review

02 June 2007

I've always wanted to see Scotland...

...I just wish I could see more than the inside of a tiny provincial airport.
I heart Army. Due to some delightful miscommunication/miscalculation/idiocy on someone's part, I (and 120 of my closest Army buddies) are sitting in a tiny Terminal in Glasgow, Scotland. For an unknown amount of time. We were supposed to have gone to Germany, but were at max weight for the aircraft, and stayed too long on the tarmac at JFK, so we didnt have enough fuel to make it to Germany. So now we sit, stranded, without anywhere to sleep for upwards of 16 hours at the mercy of Brittish Airport prices and a weak dollar. I'm hoping we can go straight to Kuwait from here, but we may still end up going to Germany first, then Kuwait. Huzzah.


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