Hail and Farewell
Aside from the latest post, which is really about something that happened back in November, I've not posted in some time. Sorry. My job is certainly less interesting now (well it is for me, and I imagine it would also be for you), so less to post about. That said, I'm happy, enjoying my life, and generally enjoying the states. I've changed jobs, even units this week. I've given up my platoon, and am taking over as the executive officer in a different troop (Troop:Company::Cavalry:Infantry Troop:Cavalry::Company:Infantry - bet you never thought that construction would be useful again. And I thought I would get it right.). This means, of course, that I have moved out of 5-20 IN, into 1-14 Cav, the Cavalry Squadron in my Brigade. (See wiki for a pretty chart that will make much more sense). That said, I am now in a Cavalry unit. It's not too different from my previous unit, but there are differences, some of which I may blog about. The short bit; I get to buy a sweet hat.
To hails and farewells. A very belated welcome back to Audrey. She's back now, which is awesome, reunited with Rip, and now with a dog... adorable, hyperactive Zephyr. Also, a good luck, do good things, to both Elizabeth and Danielle. They're both deploying this month. Again, good luck, fun stories and a boring deployment to you both.
And finally, I entreat you all to comment. I know some of you are still reading this, and many new folk keep showing up. This month alone, I have visitors from all over the US and from Pakistan and Thailand. Those ones are new for me, so if I know you, say hi. If I don't know you, say hi and how you found your way here to my 40 acres.
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