I'm back
It looks like I'll be returning from my long hiatus... I'm heading to NTC very soon, and not too long after that, Iraq.
I'm still in 1-14 Cavalry - which is in the same Brigade as I deployed with last time, but in a new Squadron (see this for a useful, pretty chart. The Squadron is in yellow.) I'm the Squadron supply officer (S4). This is a move that looks good - it's a primary staff spot, it's a captain slot (I'll be making CPT in June or July) and it's a difficult and vital job. That said - it blows. S4 takes the best parts of being an XO and removes them; it takes the worst parts and multiplies them.
I'll be at NTC until the middle or end of May, and then I'll go straight into surgery for my wrist. For those of you who I may not have told, I broke the shit out of my wrist back in November. I fell and broke the end of my radius in to 4 pieces. My doctors cut me open back in December, put a titanium plate in and I went to rehab for a bunch of months. Sadly, the bones didn't heal properly in my wrist joint. This will lead to excruciating arthritis by the time I'm 35 if I don't get it fixed, and soon. So... a second surgery in May, recovery and then deploy. It will be exciting to be doing my occupational therapy in Iraq, but I'll get by.
I don't imagine there are a whole lot of you left reading this, but if you start wandering back in with later posts, I thought I would give you a little back reading to do.
Check out my flickr for photos from the Yakima Training Center from March, and some I'll post from NTC in California. And I'l see if I can get some of my CT/Xrays on here. Pretty cool looking.
I haven't checked this thing in months, but out of nowhere got thinking about it today... Maybe it's because you're never free to talk on the phone, so I have to get my fix somewhere? Anyway, happy blogging. I look forward to more. And maybe a phonecall some day?
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