The Interested Soldier

This is a airing of grievances, not an objective review

09 February 2011

What are US interests in the Middle East (a quick rant)

In Egyptian Uprising, A Tale Of Two Risks For U.S.

On one side are those who say the U.S. should stick with the Mubarak government and not be swayed by all of the people demonstrating for democracy. Among them are John Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. under President George W. Bush.

"We have a profound interest in the stability of the Israeli-Egyptian peace relationship," Bolton said, speaking on Fox News in the early days of the uprising. "We've got an enormously strong relationship with the Egyptian military. Mubarak ... has been an American ally for 30 years.

"These are not things you toss away lightly against the promise, the hope, the aspiration for sweetness and light and democratic government."

Ok. Here is the problem. If we're saying "Fuck democracy in the Middle East, we need to focus on vital US interests," then what about Israel? How is the survival of Israel a vital US interest? I have no desire to see Israel fall, but if the US doesn't give two shits about democratic protests in Cairo, why does the US give two shits about Israel. The Suez is a vital interest. Saudi oil is US interest. Egyptian air space and Air Force basing is a US interest. A Jewish (as opposed to Arab) government in charge of Jerusalem tourism? Not a US interest.

I think we're generally doing the right thing in regards to Israel, but let's not lie to ourselves and say that Israeli interests are US interests. If we're going to write off Egyptian protesters and back Mubarak (and I don't think we will) because Mubarak encourages peace with Israel, we're hypocrites, perhaps even to ourselves.


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