The Interested Soldier

This is a airing of grievances, not an objective review

Made up Army Words

Fake words heard in the Army Orientate


Previous Posts


31 May 2007

So, I'm still in the US, it looks like I'll be flying tomorrow, though who knows considering the number of times I've already been bumped. This looks real though. Today is when i try to see if I can actually fit all my gear, personal crap, books, laptop, et al into 2 duffels, a ruck and a assault pack. I don't think It'll be too tough. The one thing I'm looking at though, is where the hell to put my body armor.

Anyway, as today and tomorrow are my last days in the states, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. Also, if you want to get emails from me in Iraq, comment or email and I'll add you to the list. von dot bargen at gmail dot com

10 May 2007

I fly in about 2 weeks

It's been quite some time, but considering my upcoming deployment, beginning to post again seemed the thing to do.

Yes, i am aware of the new regs, and their possible chilling effects on milblogging. But until I'm in country, there's really nothing I/they can do. I'll run it by my commander and I'll go from there.

So, for those who do not already know: I'm assigned to Fort Lewis, the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT), Second Infantry Division. The rest of the SBCT has been in Iraq for some time now, so moving into a PLT with soldiers who've been doing this for almost a year (ignoring previous tours), and leading them will certainly be a leadership challenge. On the other hand, I'll be leading men who have a ridiculous amount of experience. I'm looking forward.

Honestly, at this point, I really just want to get on a damn plane. Sitting in a hotel, with most of shit in my car, doing not a whole lot, with 4 years of rotc and almost a year of TRADOC under my belt, I would really like to, you know, do some Army stuff.

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