The Interested Soldier

This is a airing of grievances, not an objective review

Made up Army Words

Fake words heard in the Army Orientate


Previous Posts


30 June 2007

I really need to have my mom start writing more of my blog. She really makes it sound much more exciting than it really is. Honestly, mom, I think I would be less bored if I were doing all the things people think I'm doing. That said boring is better than exciting. (I've come up with my own scale: Boring = what I've been doing; Interesting = stuff like the Humanitarian Aid, stuff that keeps you occupied but has a low liklihood of violence; and Exciting = violence, of which I have personally not had any.)

Honestly, most of the things I do are incredibly boring, they just happen to be done in a relatively dangerous area. For instance: I've been sitting on an intersection fo a couple of days now, our strykers on the roads, overwatching to make sure no one plants any IEDs or tries to set up roadblocks, etc. Most of my guys are living in a nearby house. Nothing happens for days. My guys sit on guard for shifts, and when they're off they sleep, bullshit, clean weapons, etc. When we're in the house we are down to t-shirts because it's safe to, and its hot as hell with no AC or fans. A couple times we go on patrol through the neighborhood, but not for very long or far because I don't have enough guys to do full size patrols. Lots of families around, some with sick kids, some just hungry or hot or tired (like us, but with less hope). But overall, it's a safe place. We hear gunfire occasionally, but not often and not aimed at us. It's quiet mostly, and like I said, boring.

However, 4 days a go, a guy sitting in a Stryker at that same intersection got shot in the head. He's fine, it didnt go through his helmet (it was the 4th time this luckyluckylucky dude has nearly been shot). In response to his shooting, we leveled a house in the neighborhood (where the shots came from).

So, like I said: mostly boring.

27 June 2007

Hey. I'm still alive, well and a bit tired. See if you see my platoon giving out humanitarian Aid in Baquoba on the NBC nightly news.

24 June 2007

still alive...

Baquoba is blowing up around me. Cool, no? Anyway, now that you all have my address you can send me stuff! I don't really need food (though, perhaps some easy breakfast stuff [pop tarts, et al] would be nice), but the thing I would love is humor. Send me cds/dvds of burned Daily Show and Colbert and the like. Good, funny viral shit too. Thank you all. Also, comments people, comments. Finally, check the comments for my mom's blog - it's sort of a counterpoint to mine. ta.

17 June 2007

I'm alive. I'm in Baquoba. I'm incredibly busy, so sorry guys. I picked up my platoon. They're good guys and I have a great platoon sargeant. Finally have an address:

2LT David Von Bargen
4th PLT, A-Co, 5-20In, 3-2SBCT
FOB Warhorse
Baquoba, Iraq
APO AE 09336

Those of you I like, you know it. Those of you I love, you know it too. Those of you who aren't sure, well, I'm going to keep you guessing.

Attack 4-6, Out.

12 June 2007

A quick update and some thoughts

First the quick update. I'm still here in Baghdad. I'm at FOB Liberty near the Baghdad Airport. Living conditions here are even nicer than in Kuwait. I have a real (though broken) bed with two mattresses, we have AC, more power outlets than I can shake a stick at (though, to be fair, sticks are not all that prevelent), amd terrible, expensive WiFi. The down side is mostly the long walks to get anywhere. The Kuwait FOBs were much, much smaller, ergo, shorter walks. No Starbucks that I've found, though there is a Cinabon. If anyone would like me t pick up something while I'm here (interesting jewelry, cheap knock-off electronics, Cuban cigars, rugs) let me know and I'll see what can be done.

I'm heading up to FOB Warhorse (Baquoba) in the next couple of days to meet my unit (finally). I'm going to be the leader of an anti-tank platoon (3 Strykers with TOW missile tubes on top). Evidently I may also get some other guys, or possibly some more Strykers as well, depending on mission. Anitipating greatly. Another cool side: My friend Audrey is already there. She's been leading a Military Police platoon up in Baquoba for a couple months now. So, party.

Enough of me. Found this delightful article on the web : Video Recording Leads to Felony Charge
. Essentially, a man was arrested for video taping a traffic stop he was involved it. He was in the passenger seat and recorded the interaction of the driver and the officer during a stop, using his phone. He was arrested for illegal wiretap. Yep. Evidently, if the sound had been off, he'd have no problem. Ironically enough, the police officer was also recording the traffic stop from his police car.

First thing: This goes straight to the ability of the public to demand accountiblility from police. What possible reason could the police have for preventing the man from recording. He did not leave the vehicle or interfere with the traffic stop in any way. He sat there, holding a camera phone. Would the police have arrested a bystander on the street with a camcorder? Considering that a, the police car camera was recording the event (which should a public record, and if not, could be FOIA'd), and b, the possiblity (and legality) of any number of security cameras in the vicinity, the police should have absolutely no leg to stand on to prevent taping of stops.

Second thing: While this stop didn't get violent, it makes me think of the Rodney King incident. The only reason (some of) those officers were tried at all is because of the video taping of Mr. King's beating. Without the ability of the citizenry to hold police accountible for their actions (even if in this case, prior to arresting the passenger, they were doign nothing wrong), we lack a serious check on governmental power in this (well, that) country. Look at the police response the Mayday march in Los Angelos last month. Does anyone believe the current Police chief would have had the same reaction to the melee without the aftermath of the Rodney King video? I don't mean to get sappy, but, "protect and defend the Constitution" is kind of the reason I'm over here. I hope that the ACLU or some similar body gets involved in this case. If anyone finds any more news on this case, or relevent caselaw, please, post it in the comments.


08 June 2007

Heading to Baghdad

Hey, real quick note to all interested. I'm heading up to Baghdad sometime today. As for what i'll do when i get there, or where i'll be, or what kind of internet/phone/bed situation I'll find - No idea. [To be fair I probably couldn't tell you anyway.] If anyone has any good articles/stories from the news they want to send me (via email) I'd love them. i'll especailly take any articles on the surge or the new Czar.

04 June 2007

Brief mesage to let you all know that I'm safely in Kuwait. Not much to tell. Living in an overly air conditioned tent (was freezing last night), which is kinda nice considering it is in the mid 100s during the day. Not too hot, though, considering. I should be here for a couple more days (up to 6 before heading to Baghdad). I don't have an snail mail address yet, mostly likely won't until the middle of June. It's funny; food here is petty good, there's bottled water everywhere (litterally by the palateful), and there are fast food places all over the place too, supposedly there is a Starbucks here somewhere. That said, everyone is carrying a weapon, its 100 F in the shade and the dust is everypresent. So it's not going to be confused with home. Not bad, all told. We'll be doing training at various times the next couple of days (of course we don't have any of it locked down particularly, so we're kinda in the dark).

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02 June 2007

I've always wanted to see Scotland...

...I just wish I could see more than the inside of a tiny provincial airport.
I heart Army. Due to some delightful miscommunication/miscalculation/idiocy on someone's part, I (and 120 of my closest Army buddies) are sitting in a tiny Terminal in Glasgow, Scotland. For an unknown amount of time. We were supposed to have gone to Germany, but were at max weight for the aircraft, and stayed too long on the tarmac at JFK, so we didnt have enough fuel to make it to Germany. So now we sit, stranded, without anywhere to sleep for upwards of 16 hours at the mercy of Brittish Airport prices and a weak dollar. I'm hoping we can go straight to Kuwait from here, but we may still end up going to Germany first, then Kuwait. Huzzah.